Friday, August 1, 2008

12 pics and me

This is one of the few times that I have actually followed a tag and I must admit, I loved what "I" look like and what "I" have to offer to those who know me and those who don't. And before unravelling the mystery, I would like to credit Aishwarya Rao for introducing me to this.
And now for a better understanding, here go the rules and my answers:

1. Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search.
2. Using only the first page, pick an image.
3. Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into
fd’s mosaic maker.

1. What is your first name?
Ruchi Mann, and I liked the image of the girl’s feet..
2. What is your favorite food? Right now?
Always, dal rice…frugal but I love it!!
3. What high school did you go to?
Father Agnel School, Delhi.
4. What is your favorite color?
Black…and the picture is apt
5. Who is your celebrity crush?
Rahul Gandhi, not since long though
6. Favorite drink?
Orange Juice (and I always like it served with exactly two cubes of ice)
7. Dream vacation?
8. Favorite dessert?
Chocolate Chip Ice cream
9. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Happy..but this is a strange picture showing happiness but the best on the first page
10. What do you love most in life?
People around me
11. One Word to describe you.
Mine (cheeky smile)
12. Your Flickr name.
Fish out of water

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